Transporting Hogs

The current Health of Animals: Livestock Transport Regulations were revised to include record keeping, transport durations and requirements for ‘compromised’ and ‘unfit’ animals.

As part of the Canadian Swine Training Development Project, the Canadian Pork Council has developed a series of fact sheets pertaining to current transport requirements.

Saskatchewan Transportation Manifests

Available at no charge from Sask Pork by calling (306) 244-7752 or email.

Livestock Transport Requirements in Canada

Every person responsible for transporting animals in Canada must ensure that the entire transportation process including loading, transit and unloading - does not cause injury or undue suffering to the animals. Read more.

CFIA Safe Transport of Pigs Requirements

Transport Quality Assurance TQA® Certification

A licensing agreement with the U.S. National Pork Board allows Sask Pork to deliver the TQA® program to Saskatchewan livestock transporters. More than 700 transport personnel in the province have received training and are certified under the program. TQA Program.

Certified Livestock Transport Training

The Certified Livestock Transport (CLT) Training Program is a comprehensive training course and support service for livestock truckers, shippers and receivers in Saskatchewan and Alberta. This program offers modules that relate to cattle, poultry, hogs, sheep and horses. CLT

Humane Handling of Pigs

It is completely unacceptable for unfit animals (those that are sick, injured or would suffer unduly if not handled properly) to be transported to market. These animals require immediate action. Legislation and animal welfare standards in Saskatchewan establish standards for the euthanasia or slaughter of unfit hogs. Producers and others who handle animals must carry out the necessary due diligence. This is not only to ensure they understand their responsibilities, but also to demonstrate they have carried them out.

Biosecure Trailer Entry


Livestock Transport in Canada: Are you sure that animal is fit for the trip? read more